Five Common English fillers you should know

1. Well: “Well” can be used in a few different ways. You can use it to show that you’re thinking. Example: “Well… , you can use my bike” 2. Hmm: “Hmm” is a thoughtful sound, and it shows that you’re thinking or trying to decide something. Example: “Hmm, I like your suggestion but I think I’ll… Continue reading Five Common English fillers you should know

7 Steps To Build a Winning Personality

Success in personal and professional life depends largely on the kind of personality you have. If you have an affable disposition, able to adapt well with almost anyone, make discerning, persuasive arguments with razor-sharp clarity, you will find yourselves on the better end of most situations. However, many people complain that they have been born… Continue reading 7 Steps To Build a Winning Personality

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