Wonderful Tips for Formal Writing

The basic features for formal writing- Write all verbs in full. Do not use contracted forms like don’t or can’t. Mark your vocabulary. Certain words are considered to be informal. Examples- fix, start, OK, thanks etc. Avoid them in formal writing. Instead,use words like repair (for fix); commence(for start); all right(for OK)and thank you (for… Continue reading Wonderful Tips for Formal Writing

Homophones and their usage – PEP Talk India

Do some English words make you jittery? Do some of them confuse you like a frog in a dessert? Let us enlighten you with some pairs of perplexing words that may be confusing at first, but if used correctly, can prove to be quite useful in the normal usage of English language in daily life.… Continue reading Homophones and their usage – PEP Talk India

Modal auxiliary exercise – English Grammar Practice Fill-ups

Can you use would and should correctly? Test your understanding with this grammar exercise. Everbody ………wear seat belts. When we were kids, we ……… spend hours playing football. I told them we ………..probably be late. We ………..be grateful for an early reply. People……….drive more carefully. ……….you like something to eat? ……….we invite Sheetal? I knew… Continue reading Modal auxiliary exercise – English Grammar Practice Fill-ups

Conjunctions Exercise – English Grammar Practice

Fill in the blanks with suitable Conjunctions- You must not question ………. Does not concern you. What, which, that My sister reads ……….. she gets some free time. When, whenever, whatever Ria is confident ………. She will win the race. That, what, if You have to decide ………. Subject you want to study. That, what,… Continue reading Conjunctions Exercise – English Grammar Practice

How to talk about Time

Two common ways of saying what time it is: 8:05- eight (oh) five OR five past eight 8:10- eight ten OR ten past eight 8:15- eight fifteen OR a quarter past eight 8:25- eight twenty-five OR twenty past eight 8:30- eight thirty OR half past eight 8:35- eight thirty-five OR twenty-five to nine 8:45- eight… Continue reading How to talk about Time

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