How to speak grammatically correct English

How to speak grammatically correct English? That’s “the million dollar question” every English learner ponders over day in day out. One thinks about the challenge without getting any specific solution from anywhere. Yet the answer is deceptively simple and subtle and every learner is aware of it but remains oblivious to it. The answer is… Continue reading How to speak grammatically correct English

How to Use Causative Verbs-English Grammar Lessons

Causative verbs-The English verbs let, make, have, get and help are causative verbs because they cause something else to happen. How to use Causative verbs- Let- Permit something to happen LET+PERSON/THING+VERB(base form) Examples- I don’t let my kids watch violent movies. My boss doesn’t let me eat lunch at my desk. Note- The past tense… Continue reading How to Use Causative Verbs-English Grammar Lessons

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