Commonly Confused words in English-Build Better Vocabulary

English language has a large corpus of words and it has been expanding. But there are many words that look similar or sound alike but have very different meaning. Sometimes it becomes really challenging to determine the correct usage of the specific word. Here is the list of commonly confused words that would help in… Continue reading Commonly Confused words in English-Build Better Vocabulary

Why we use article ‘the’ with USA but not with India, China, Pakistan, Iran and other countries

We say the USA, the UK, the Czech Republic, the West Indies, the Philippines, the Netherlands but we don’t use the India, the Pakistan, the China, the South Korea, the Japan, the Taiwan, the Indonesia etc. Do you people wanna know why some countries use ‘the’ ? Here is the explanation briefed in points:- 1)… Continue reading Why we use article ‘the’ with USA but not with India, China, Pakistan, Iran and other countries

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