High-Impact Job Interview Buzzwords You Should Definitely Use

Succeeding in a job interview ultimately boils down to how well you sell yourself to the interviewer. The way you communicate, the way you phrase your sentences, and the professionalism you display is a huge factor in sealing the deal for you. For many large companies, using certain terms and phrases in a smooth and slick manner creates a highly favorable impression upon them.

Take the following example:

“I am a focused and proactive individual who has a penchant for being detail-oriented and a team player.”

Now read the following sentence:

“I am a very motivated person who completed his tasks on time and can gel well with my team mates.”

Which sentence sounds more professional?

Obviously the first one!

Like it or not, most companies consider using phrases and terms like in the first sentence during a job interview as a sign of being more well-versed with different aspects of the corporate world. They view such an individual more tuned with their core values and someone who can be groomed as a future leader.

Let’s take a look at all such buzzwords that you can integrate in your interview process!

Words to show you are a highly driven and focused individual

Most interviewers are looking for passionate people who can go beyond their job profile and add more value to the company. They are literally looking for such people who will be an ‘asset’ to their company.

Some words you should use to demonstrate your enthusiasm in a job interview –

  • Motivated
  • Proactive
  • Enterprising
  • Dynamic
  • Energetic
  • Can-do attitude

Words to mention your strengths

  • Can multi-task
  • Well organized
  • Excellent communicator
  • Can work along tight deadlines
  • Methodical
  • Result-oriented
  • Detail-oriented
  • Team-player
  • Perform well under pressure

When you want to really stress that you want the job

  • Further my career
  • In line with qualifications
  • A natural progression
  • Looking for growth opportunities
  • Strongly believe my career objectives are aligned with the vision of the company

Meanwhile, watch this video to know the best way to answer the dreaded ‘Tell Me About Yourself’ section in a job interview!



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