English Conversation And Phrasal Verbs for Romantic Relationships

Shilpa: Hey Yasmin, how are you? Yasmin: I am doing good, Shilpa. How about you? Shilpa: I am doing great, thank you. By the way, who was that guy you were talking to at Starbucks? It really looked like he was hitting on you. Yasmin: I was reading the Game of Thrones book, and he… Continue reading English Conversation And Phrasal Verbs for Romantic Relationships

A Brief Guide To Using ‘The’ With Geographical Names

If you have watched the movie ‘English Vinglish’ starring the late diva Sridevi, then you will remember this memorable scene when her character Shashi asks her English tutor the following question with much curiosity: “Why India, not the India; why America, the United States of America?” Why indeed? Why do we use the definite article… Continue reading A Brief Guide To Using ‘The’ With Geographical Names

How To Write a High-Quality Article – 7 Strategies To Develop Your Idea

  Whenever you have to write an essay or article, you need to develop solid content in order to impress the reader. Ideas could be scattered around in your mind, there might be a mentor or expert whose opinion you would want on the subject, or you could brainstorm with friends or colleagues to get… Continue reading How To Write a High-Quality Article – 7 Strategies To Develop Your Idea

A Brief Guide to Proper Use of Parentheses () and Brackets []

Parentheses or () are widely used by writers to convey additional information in a sentence. They can be considered as a mild digression from the subject and the information included within it is normally not integral to the sentence. In English writing, however, parentheses are abused left and right, with people placing them at all… Continue reading A Brief Guide to Proper Use of Parentheses () and Brackets []

8 Common Punctuation Mistakes That Can Be Easily Avoided

Words are a powerful mode of communicating your thoughts, your ideas, and your products and services (if you are in business). The efficacy of your idea depends on the kind of marketing you do- the jingles, the slogans, and the catch phrases you use. While writing down these ideas or your next selling point in… Continue reading 8 Common Punctuation Mistakes That Can Be Easily Avoided

Commonly Mistaken Words In English

We are often scared of making mistakes. The whole idea of speaking English fluently has become a difficult task altogether. But here we tell you that making mistakes are great opportunities. Opportunities that allow you to improve and progress. To be able to identify your mistakes and work upon them is one of the biggest gifts… Continue reading Commonly Mistaken Words In English

8 Hilarious Images That Will Convince You to Use the Oxford Comma

The Oxford comma is a thing of beauty. It can change the entire meaning of sentences and give completely new interpretations and understanding of different situations. In fact, as recent as in February, the Oxford comma was at the center of a legal dispute in the U.S. state of Maine. After all, what is the… Continue reading 8 Hilarious Images That Will Convince You to Use the Oxford Comma

Never Let Gerunds and Present Participles Ruin Your Day again!!

These alien sounding words. Complicated as they may sound, they actually are simple concepts we use in our everyday language. It’s only by identifying them, can you use them correctly and never get stuck! There are some basic differences that can be easily identified if you remember the following points: Present participles are words that… Continue reading Never Let Gerunds and Present Participles Ruin Your Day again!!

Adjective Exercise- English Grammar Lesson by PEP Talk India

Here is yet another lesson from Pep Talk India for your English grammar improvement. As we share with our students, a lot of lessons like this at our session’s premises so thought of slipping some lessons out for you-online learners. Here you go! Pick out all the adjectives in the following sentences and say to… Continue reading Adjective Exercise- English Grammar Lesson by PEP Talk India

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