20 Financial Idioms You Should Definitely Know

Finance is an important part of our life. We engage in daily monetary transactions, learn how to manage our personal finances, and are always on the lookout for the ups and downs in the global and domestic financial markets. Thus, having the know-how of financial expressions, terms, and idioms becomes an indispensable part of your… Continue reading 20 Financial Idioms You Should Definitely Know

Common Color Idioms To Boost Your Vocab

Anyone who seeks to add more ‘color’ to their understanding and usage of the English language, it is highly recommended to learn as many idioms as possible. Though you can get your point across without using idioms, the nuances, subtleties, and history of the language can only be understood if you are aware of idiomatic… Continue reading Common Color Idioms To Boost Your Vocab

20 Unique English Proverbs That You Were Not Aware Of

Proverbs are short, memorable phrases handed down from one generation to another as “pearls of wisdom” embodying good thoughts, morality and experiences that can teach important lessons to us all. For a student of English, studying different kinds of proverbs can be both an insightful and satisfying learning curve, since they not only enhance your… Continue reading 20 Unique English Proverbs That You Were Not Aware Of

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