Important Tips To Help You Write In a More Concise Manner

The most important thing you need to take care of while aiming to write a long-form essay, article, or blog post is to ensure brevity and clarity in your write-up. After the brainstorming is complete and the necessary research done, it is essential you devote your energies to making your writing assignment as clear and… Continue reading Important Tips To Help You Write In a More Concise Manner

37 Different Ways of ‘Walking’ – Boost Your Vocab!

Unless you are an unfortunate soul who has been afflicted with some serious disease that has rendered you incapable of using your legs, walking is the most common and physical exercise you can do on a daily basis. From the young people to the elderly, anyone who is not keen on strenuous exercise can remain… Continue reading 37 Different Ways of ‘Walking’ – Boost Your Vocab!

Common Household Vocabulary You Should Know

“Home is a place you grow up wanting to leave, and grow old wanting to get back to.”                                                                          … Continue reading Common Household Vocabulary You Should Know

33 Binomial Expressions In English Language

What are binomial expressions? Something related to mathematics, right? Well, they are used widely in the English language as well! What is a binomial expression or binomial pair in English? It’s an expression comprised of two words that are joined by a conjunction. These two words are usually ‘and’ or ‘or’ and the word order… Continue reading 33 Binomial Expressions In English Language

Writing Cheat Sheet: Useful Terms To Improve Your Writing Skills

It is an axiomatic fact that honing your English writing skills takes a lot of dedication, practice, and immense perseverance. You need to plan a meticulous strategy that involves a copious amount of reading (books, magazines, newspapers, blogs etc), learning collocations, acquainting yourself with common idioms and phrases, and most of all – regular feedback… Continue reading Writing Cheat Sheet: Useful Terms To Improve Your Writing Skills

A Brief Guide To Using ‘The’ With Geographical Names

If you have watched the movie ‘English Vinglish’ starring the late diva Sridevi, then you will remember this memorable scene when her character Shashi asks her English tutor the following question with much curiosity: “Why India, not the India; why America, the United States of America?” Why indeed? Why do we use the definite article… Continue reading A Brief Guide To Using ‘The’ With Geographical Names

Improve Your Writing Skills- 7 Ways to Make Your Sentences Simpler and Concise

Whenever you read an interesting article or a book, your attention first goes to the kind of sentence structure it has. Is it too lengthy or verbose? Are too many complicated words used? If yes, then there is a lesson in this- the writer is just trying to make a grandiose display of his knowledge… Continue reading Improve Your Writing Skills- 7 Ways to Make Your Sentences Simpler and Concise

How To Write a High-Quality Article – 7 Strategies To Develop Your Idea

  Whenever you have to write an essay or article, you need to develop solid content in order to impress the reader. Ideas could be scattered around in your mind, there might be a mentor or expert whose opinion you would want on the subject, or you could brainstorm with friends or colleagues to get… Continue reading How To Write a High-Quality Article – 7 Strategies To Develop Your Idea

A Brief Guide to Proper Use of Parentheses () and Brackets []

Parentheses or () are widely used by writers to convey additional information in a sentence. They can be considered as a mild digression from the subject and the information included within it is normally not integral to the sentence. In English writing, however, parentheses are abused left and right, with people placing them at all… Continue reading A Brief Guide to Proper Use of Parentheses () and Brackets []

20 Unique English Proverbs That You Were Not Aware Of

Proverbs are short, memorable phrases handed down from one generation to another as “pearls of wisdom” embodying good thoughts, morality and experiences that can teach important lessons to us all. For a student of English, studying different kinds of proverbs can be both an insightful and satisfying learning curve, since they not only enhance your… Continue reading 20 Unique English Proverbs That You Were Not Aware Of

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