33 Binomial Expressions In English Language

What are binomial expressions? Something related to mathematics, right? Well, they are used widely in the English language as well! What is a binomial expression or binomial pair in English? It’s an expression comprised of two words that are joined by a conjunction. These two words are usually ‘and’ or ‘or’ and the word order… Continue reading 33 Binomial Expressions In English Language

A Brief Guide To Using ‘The’ With Geographical Names

If you have watched the movie ‘English Vinglish’ starring the late diva Sridevi, then you will remember this memorable scene when her character Shashi asks her English tutor the following question with much curiosity: “Why India, not the India; why America, the United States of America?” Why indeed? Why do we use the definite article… Continue reading A Brief Guide To Using ‘The’ With Geographical Names

A Brief Guide to Proper Use of Parentheses () and Brackets []

Parentheses or () are widely used by writers to convey additional information in a sentence. They can be considered as a mild digression from the subject and the information included within it is normally not integral to the sentence. In English writing, however, parentheses are abused left and right, with people placing them at all… Continue reading A Brief Guide to Proper Use of Parentheses () and Brackets []

5 Guaranteed Ways to Improve Your English Sitting at Home

Having a working knowledge of functional English is essential for survival in this fast-paced competitive world. Almost every reputed firm or multinational company today requires you to be fairly acquainted with English, with some even providing higher salary packages to those candidates whose are more fluent in the language. Some students and working professionals prefer… Continue reading 5 Guaranteed Ways to Improve Your English Sitting at Home

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